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Art Collection Management

The inventory of the art collection will be under the auspices of the Superintendent or designee.

An art accession form will be completed for every work acquired by the District. The form will include information about the work itself, the circumstances of the acquisition, connections between the artist and the District, and the dedication, if appropriate. The information about the work will include the artist, title, date of the work, medium, dimensions, credit, and current value. A black and white photograph of the work will be attached to the accession form.

All art objects acquired by the District will be assigned an accession number. The accession number will consist of four parts, the year the work is acquired, the building that acquired the work, medium designation, and chronological order of District accession for that year.

For example, a painting by James Green, acquired in
1986 by Harding School that was the seventh work of
art acquired by the District in that year would be
assigned the following accession number.

82 =Year
225 = Building
31 = Medium
7 = Order of Accession

The original accession form will be filed with Business Services. At the time of acquisition, the accession number, date acquired, value, and location (if different from the building that acquired the work) will be forwarded to the Accounting Department for property inventory.

Any changes in the attribution of a work must be documented and approved on a reattribution form and attached to the original accession form.

The fair market value of a work will be established at the time the work is acquired by the District.

All appraisals will be reviewed on a ten-year cycle; however, individual works may be reviewed more frequently, if necessary, to reflect market trends.

Loaned works will be appraised at the time of loan, or renewal of loan, by an outside appraiser at the expense of the borrower. The Committee will select appraisers based on area of expertise and proper certification.

An outside conservator will examine the entire District collection for conservation needs. The conservator will recommend a maintenance schedule, setting priorities in terms of urgency of treatment. Routine conservation needs will be reviewed on a five-year cycle.

Conservation needs beyond routine maintenance will be addressed at the time of need.

Conservation needs that are urgent to safeguard the integrity of a work as well as routine conservation will be defrayed by the Board of Education.

Environmental considerations may dictate protective conservation measures to be treated on an individual basis; however, generally, individual buildings will defray this expense.

Work whose condition becomes so fragile as to require a specialized environment will be considered on an individual basis.

The borrower will defray the costs of any conservation examination and/or treatment necessary to assure the stability of an object for loan.

No conservation will be undertaken without the written permission of the Superintendent or designee.

A history of record of all conservation will be attached to the accession record of each work.

The District will provide standard fine arts, all-risk coverage for the art collection.

Works on loan will be insured by the borrower under all-risk museum coverage, wall-to-wall, including coverage against burglary and theft, fire, rising water and water damage, and natural disasters. The borrower will name the Cedar Rapids Community School District as the loss payee and provide the District with a written description of fire, environmental, crime, and security provisions. If the borrower’s insurance policy includes a deductible, the borrower must provide a written statement that the borrower will cover the deductible.

Requests for publication of District-owned works will be handled in accordance with the Copyright Act that complies with the Berne Copyright Convention.

The District will copyright digital images of District-owned work that may be licensed for reproduction purposes.

The District will maintain a digital image library of major works from the collection. Additional digital images will be added if requested; however, additional digital images will be made at the expense of the borrower and will remain the property of the District.

Requests for publication should be directed to the Superintendent or designee. Individual publication requests and their disposition will be attached to the permanent accession forms.

Fees for publication will be negotiated on an individual basis. The District will be furnished a copy of the finished publication.

An Art Relocation Request Form (available from the Art Collection Committee Coordinator) must be submitted by the building administrator to the Art Collection Committee. District artworks are intended to remain on public display; an alternate location within the same building must be included with the request. Works may not be relocated to classrooms. If there is no appropriate relocation site at the school, the administrator may request to have the item moved into storage at the Educational Leadership and Support Center. The decision will be based on the history of the piece, donor(s), appraised value, and alignment with educational program. No work should be moved/relocated without approval.

Costs associated with relocation will be the responsibility of the building. Artworks relocated must retain at least the same level of security hanging. Relocation of artworks that are appraised above $1000 will require that only those trained in art handling may move the work.

Loan to Other Institutions
All loans from the District must be requested in writing through the Superintendent or designee.

Loans are made only for the purposes of exhibition, scholarly study, and protection of the art work.

Loans are made only to museums, galleries, other comparable cultural educational institutions, and corporate environments whose facilities and staff are equipped to protect and display works of art. Loans will not be made to individuals.

Loan requests are evaluated according to the following criteria:

  1. The caliber of the exhibition–its scholarly or thematic purpose–the exposure the exhibition can give to the artwork;
  2. any conflicting need the District may have for utilizing the object;
  3. knowledge of the borrower’s facility and programs;
  4. access to the exhibition for the Cedar Rapids’ students and staff; and
  5. stability of the object(s) requested.

Loan requests for objects valued at less than $75,000 with an aggregate limit of $300,000 must be approved by the Superintendent or designee. A report will be made to the board.

Loan requests for object valued in excess of $75,000 or an aggregate in excess of $300,000 must be approved by the board.

Loans from the District are subject to standard requirements recommended by the American Association of Museums regarding insurance, transportation, handling, physical and environmental security, publicity credit, and copyright.

Conditions governing loans will be negotiated on an individual basis and stipulated in a written agreement.

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the borrower will bear all expenses associated with providing the loan. These may include any or all of the following:

a. Loan Fee d. Insurance
b. Conservation e. Crating and transportation
c. Appraisal f. Courier, if required

Unless stipulated as part of a loan agreement, loans made for periods of six or more months are subject to the condition that should the District desire to recall any item and may do so with a thirty-day notice to the borrower.

The credit line for all loans should read:

And include appropriate dedication information.

Collections Committee
A standing Collections Committee will be appointed by the Superintendent for the purpose of making recommendations concerning the District art collection, including requests for loan outs, deaccession, accession, placement of artwork throughout the District, requests for publication, and other issues related to the art collection.

The Collections Committee will consist of six to eight members representing the broad cross-section of the community and the school District.  Members will serve for three years and may be reappointed.

Deaccession is the process of removing an object from property inventory.

A deaccession request form will be initiated by the staff member requesting deaccession and forwarded to the Superintendent’s designee for processing.

The Superintendent’s designee will research donor intent and stipulated circumstances for deaccession of the work and file a report with the Superintendent.

Deaccession of works valued $5,000 or less may be approved by the Superintendent. Deaccession of works valued greater than $5,000 must be approved by the Board of Education.

If a request for deaccession is approved, the original request, Superintendent’s designee report, and accounting of disposition will be attached to the work’s original accession form and filed with the office of Business Services.

Property accounting will be notified of the decision and a written report will be made to the Board.

Gifts and Bequests
Upon an offer of a gift to a staff member, office, program, or department, the potential recipient shall submit an acquisition proposal form to the Art Collection Coordinator to present to the Art Collection Committee. The request form is available by contacting the Art Collection Committee Coordinator. The Committee must approve any gift valued over $500. Once reviewed, and approved or denied, the Art Collection Coordinator shall discuss the committee’s decision with all parties involved and follow proper procedures to ensure the gift is processed according to policy (See Regulation 1002.4 “Gifts and Donations”). Placement of artworks in District buildings are at the discretion of the Art Collection Committee.


Cross Reference:                Regulation 1002.4

  • Approved: 08-13-90
  • Revised: 11-23-92
  • Reviewed: 06-09-97
  • Revised: 01-25-99, 09-10-01, 06-26-06, 08-24-09, 04-11-11, 06-12-17, 06-11-18, 06-13-2022
  • Documents: 1006.1

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