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Release and Use of Student Photographs and Video

The District supports the use of photographs and video footage featuring students as a way to positively promote District programs and educational opportunities. Any and all use of photographs and video footage featuring students must comply with all legal requirements, including, but not limited to, the Family Education Rights to Privacy Act (FERPA). The superintendent and/or designee may prohibit the use of any photograph and/or video footage featuring students in the school environment and/or engaged in a school program or educational opportunity for any reason.

Non-Profit Entities

Non-profit entities that work with the District on an educational program or enrichment opportunity may be permitted to use photographs and video footage featuring students in the learning environment and/or engaged in a school program or educational opportunity. Therefore, the District may release its photographs and video footage featuring students to a non-profit entity that is partnering with or engaged in a school program or educational opportunity. Additionally, a non-profit entity may be permitted to take photographs and/or video footage of students in the learning environment and/or engaged in a school program or educational opportunity, provided the non-profit entity has secured the permission of the superintendent/designee and follows all applicable District regulations, including completion of the “Community Partner Photo/Video Permission” and securing the written permission of the parent/guardian of all students involved.

For-Profit Entities

For-profit entities will not be permitted to use photographs and video footage featuring students in the school environment and/or engaged in a school program or educational opportunity. The District shall not release photographs and/or video footage featuring students in the school environment and/or engaged in a school program or educational opportunity to a for-profit entity. Additionally, for-profit entities are not permitted to take photographs and/or video footage of students in the school environment and/or engaged in a school program or educational opportunity.

The Superintendent/designee may make an exception to this policy if doing so serves the interests of the District and/or the students. In that case, the for-profit entity must follow all applicable District regulations, including completion of the “Community Partner Photo/Video Permission” form and securing the written permission of the parent/guardian of all students involved.

Media Outlets

Media outlets will be permitted to use photographs and video footage supplied by CRCSD if pre-approval is given by Superintendent/designee and CRCSD attribution is used at broadcast. Media outlets shall not take or release photographs and/or video footage featuring students in the school environment and/or engaged in a school program or educational opportunity without written or verbal permission of the parent/guardian of all students involved.

  • Approved: 10-10-16
  • Revised: 06-14-2021
  • Documents: 1001.6

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