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This regulation is for guidance in soliciting and accepting donations. The District will make every effort to honor the intent of the donor in its use of the donation but reserves the right to utilize any donation it accepts in the best interest of the educational program. All donations shall become the property of the District and may not be returned without the approval of the superintendent/designee and are subject to the same controls and regulations as are other properties of the District. The District shall be responsible for the maintenance of any donation. In no case shall acceptance of a donation be considered to be an endorsement by the District of a commercial product, business enterprise, or institution of learning.

Approval Process and Guidelines
Requests for donations shall be submitted in writing to the appropriate building and/or district administrator. Approval in writing must be received from the appropriate building and/or district administrator prior to soliciting and accepting any donations. Consideration shall be given to the following criteria. The donation:

  • will not add unreasonable maintenance or operation costs;
  • will conform to present site use and future development; and
  • will not result in an inequitable distribution of supplies, facilities, or equipment.

When an organization or individual wishes to provide a donation to a District school or department, the donation must be approved by the appropriate school or department administrator based on the need, costs, and educational merit of the proposed donation. If the donation is an item, it must be approved by the appropriate district-level administrator(s) to ensure that standards of quality and compatibility are met. Consideration shall be given to the following criteria.
The donation

  • will not add unreasonable maintenance or operation costs;
  • will conform to present site use and future development; and
  • will not result in an inequitable distribution of supplies, facilities, or equipment.

If the donation requires construction, installation, or maintenance by the District, the appropriate district-level administrator shall be consulted. If the donation is identified as technology equipment, the appropriate district-level administrator shall be consulted to determine if the donation meets current District standards.
After receipt of the donated items, a report describing the items, including monetary value and any identification numbers, shall be submitted to the District’s Accounting Department.

Following the appropriate approval process, the district/school/department administrator and specific committees may accept, on behalf of the Board, any bequest or gift or money, property, or goods of less than five thousand dollars ($5000.00) in value. When the estimated value of the item(s) exceeds five thousand dollars ($5000.00), or if the donation is of an unusual nature, a written explanation of the proposed donation shall be forwarded by the school/department administrator to the appropriate District-level administrator, who shall submit it to the Superintendent’s Cabinet for review and consideration. When the estimated value of the item(s) exceeds twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), the Superintendent shall submit the proposed donation, to the Board of Education for review and consideration.

The Board of Education reserves the right to refuse any donation which does not contribute to the District’s goals or the ownership or acquisition of which may pose an undue burden on the District. An equitable distribution of public donations should be maintained throughout the District to ensure that each elementary and secondary school is able to provide comparable programming and activities with comparable facilities and equipment.


Cross Reference: Regulation 1004.1

  • Approved: 04-09-79
  • Reviewed: 08-28-89
  • Revised: 09-11-89, 11-23-92
  • Reviewed: 06-09-97
  • Revised 09-27-99, 04-25-05, 10-10-05, 04-11-11, 08-27-18, 03-09-2020
  • Documents: 1002.4

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