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The District’s standards for employment decisions such as hiring, promoting, reappointing, evaluating, awarding salary, disciplining, and terminating employees are based upon an individual’s qualifications for the position, ability, and performance. The District attempts to avoid favoritism, the appearance of favoritism, and conflicts of interest in employment, and reserves the right to take action when relationships or associations of employees negatively affect the District’s mission and goals.

Employees and applicants for employment shall not be denied employment or advancement opportunities because of their status as a family or household member of another employee. However, no person shall be employed, promoted, or transferred to a permanent position in a school or department where they would be the immediate supervisor of or receive direct supervision from a:

  • spouse;
  • child, including adopted, in-laws and step- or half-parent;
  • grandchild, including adopted, in-laws and step- or half-grandparent;
  • sibling, including in-laws and step- or half-; or
  • any other member of the employee’s household whether or not related by blood or marriage.

In addition, a person serving in a supervisory position may not participate in decisions regarding hiring, reappointment, placement, evaluation, rate of pay, salary increases, promotion, monetary awards, or other personal interest for a relative or household member employed by the District, even when the supervisor is not in the direct line of authority.

In exceptional circumstances, a direct supervisory relationship may exist between employees who are family or household members. Such circumstances may be necessitated by factors such as the unique qualifications or responsibilities of the individuals involved or the lack of other available appropriate supervisory personnel. Any exception must be approved by the Superintendent/designee. Exceptions involving the Superintendent and the Superintendent’s family or household members must be approved by the Board of Directors.

  • Approved: 03-14-11
  • Revised: 12-11-17, 10-25-2021
  • Documents: 502.6

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