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Student Publications

Student publications are vital and necessary tools of education to be utilized in teaching students the purposes and functions of mass media in a democratic society. The implications and provisions of the First Amendment to the Constitution regarding freedom of the press and speech are inherent in these purposes and functions.

Students may produce official school publications as part of the curriculum under the supervision of a faculty advisor and the principal. An “official school publication” is a student publication, including print or electronic media, produced in curricular or co-curricular journalism or journalism-related activities under the sponsorship of the District and made available to students and community.

Official school publications are free from prior restraints by school officials except as provided by law. An editorial board composed of participating students under the supervision of the publication’s adviser(s) shall be responsible for the content of official student publications. The editorial board shall be guided by the Iowa Code section 280.22. A faculty advisor will supervise student writers to maintain professional standards of English and journalism and to comply with the law, including but not limited to, the restrictions against unlawful speech. The production of official school publications is guided by the law and by the ethical standards adopted by professional association or societies of journalism.

Student expression in official school publications is not an expression of official school policy. The District, the Board, and employees or officials of the District are not liable in any civil or criminal action for any student expression made or published by students, unless the school employees or officials have interfered with or altered the content of the student’s speech or expression, and then only to the extent of the interference or alteration of that speech or expression.

The District encourages the resolution of complaints arising from the application of this policy through an appeal process. Persons, other than students, who believe they have been aggrieved by student expression in a student-produced official school publication will follow the grievance procedures outlined in Board Policy. Students who believe their freedom of expression in a student-produced official school publication has been restricted will follow the grievance procedures outlined in Board Policy.

  • Approved: 06-22-98
  • Reviewed:  11-09-98
  • Revised: 07-16-12, 01-09-17
  • Documents: 609

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