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Advisory Committees

Advisory committees may be established by the administration as a resource to the District. An advisory committee means any committee, subcommittee, commission, council, panel, task force, or similar group established in the interest of obtaining advice or recommendations for the Superintendent/designee. The purpose, structure, and role, as well as any special qualifications for membership, shall be identified at the time an advisory committee is established. District advisory committees are not subject to the Open Meetings Law.

Member selection and the designation of a chairperson will be a function of District administration. Membership should be limited to individuals who indicate a willingness to devote time and attention to the matter under consideration.

The chairperson will serve as a liaison with the Superintendent/designee in directing the work of the committee. The administration will ensure that the committee has the information and resources necessary for the successful completion of its assigned task.

The committee may be responsible for preparing and submitting to the administration a final report and any preliminary reports consistent with the committee’s purpose. The final report may contain the findings of the committee and, when appropriate, recommendations for consideration. Unless otherwise prescribed, the advisory committee will be disbanded following completion of its purpose and/or acceptance of a final report.

  • Approved: 04-09-79
  • Reviewed: 06-12-89, 11-09-92, 06-09-97, 09-27-99
  • Revised: 01-27-03, 04-11-11, 08-28-17, 10-11-2021
  • Documents: 1002.1

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