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Other Work Performed for the District

The District recognizes the important role filled by its employees and other individuals who are not otherwise employed by the District performing other work, including specific tasks and assignments, for the District. This other work performed for the District can be divided as follows:

Other Work Performed by District Employees

  1.  Extended Contract Time for Non-Administrative Certified Employees (addressed below)
  2. Additional Assignments Performed by Non-Administrative District Employees (addressed below)

Other Work Performed by Any Individual

  1. Schedule C Assignments (addressed in the Teachers Employee Handbook)
  2. Contract Work Performed by Non-District Personnel (addressed below)
  3. Temporary Short-Term Assignments (addressed below)

1. Extended Contract Time for Non-Administrative Certified Employees

A. Definition of Extended Contract Time:

Extended contract time is defined as additional time worked by a non-administrative certified employee requiring professional expertise congruent with their continuing contract assignment beyond the contract day or year. As an example, extended contract time could include instruction or development/delivery of professional development courses.

An extended contract day assignment is generally an extended assignment that must be performed on a regular basis throughout the school year and is above and beyond the normal duties of the non-administrative certified employee. An extended contract year assignment is generally an extended assignment that is performed outside of the contracted school year and is above and beyond the normal duties of the non-administrative certified employee.

Note that an extended contract assignment does not include Schedule C assignments.

B. Determining Need for Extended Contract Time:

District administration will determine the need for extended contract work, the number of assignments needed, the number of hours needed in total and/or for each individual assignment, and the dates to be worked in total and/or for each individual assignment. All extended contract opportunities must be approved by the appropriate District administrator. The District administrator may, if the administrator determines it appropriate, post for the extended contract time assignment. A posting for extended contract time should include a description of the assignment, expectations for completion of the assignment, and dates of the assignment.

C. Eligibility for Extended Contract Time:

Employees with a current signed contract are eligible for extended contract time beyond the contract day. Employees with a signed contract for the next school year are eligible for extended contract time beyond the school year.

The District has sole discretion to determine what employee will be given an extended contract time assignment. The District administrator or designee will select and notify any employees given an extended contract assignment.

D. Notice of Assignment and Rate of Pay:

Employees working in extended contract time assignments will be provided an annual notice of assignment, which does not automatically renew each year.  Employees will be paid at their current hourly rate based on their per diem for extended contract work.

E. Hours Worked:

Employees assigned to extended contracts work will work the days and times designated by the District administrator.  Upon completion of the extended contract, the employee will submit the dates and hours they have worked pursuant to the extended work assignment for review/approval by the District administrator responsible for the extended contract.  Because of the project-specific nature of an extended contract work assignment, if an employee fails to report to work during a date/time assigned for completion of the extended contract work assignment and/or if an employee fails to complete the extended contract work assignment, the employee will not be paid for said extended contract work assignment.

2. Additional Assignments Performed by Non-Administrative District Employees

A. Definition of Additional Assignments:

An additional assignment is defined as additional time worked by a non-administrative employee that is unrelated to that employee’s primary employment position with the District.

Note that an additional assignment does not include Schedule C assignments.

B. Determining Need for Additional Assignments:

District administration will determine the need for additional assignments, the number of assignments needed, the number of hours needed for each assignment, and the dates to be worked for each assignment.  All additional assignments must be approved by the appropriate District administrator.  The District administrator may, if the administrator determines it appropriate, post for the additional assignment.  A posting for the additional assignment should include a description of the assignment, expectations for completion of the assignment, rates of pay for the assignment, dates of the assignment, and maximum number of hours that can be worked for the assignment.

C. Eligibility for Additional Assignments:

Employees who do not serve in an administrative role are eligible for additional assignments.  However, additional assignments that could cause an hourly employee to exceed 40 hours per week are discouraged.

The District has sole discretion to determine what employee will be given an additional assignment.  The District administrator or designee will select and notify any employee given an additional assignment.

D. Notice of Assignment and Rate of Pay:

Employees working in additional assignments will be provided an annual notice of additional assignment, which does not automatically renew each year.  Employees working in an additional assignment will be paid an hourly rate for the assignment, as determined by Human Resources and the hiring administrator or supervisor.

E. Hours Worked:

Employees assigned to additional assignments will work the days and times designated by the District administrator. The employee will submit the dates and hours they have worked pursuant to the additional assignment by utilizing the E-time system, if possible, or a timesheet, for review/approval by the District administrator responsible for the additional assignment. Because of the project-specific nature of an additional assignment, if an employee fails to report to work during a date/time assigned for completion of the additional assignment and/or if an employee fails to complete the additional assignment, the employee will not be paid for said additional assignment.

3. Contract Work Performed by Non-District Personnel

A. Definition of Contract Work:

Contract work is defined as additional work performed by an individual, usually a non-District personnel, that relates to a temporary assignment that requires a specialized set of skills.

Note that contract work does not include Schedule C assignments.

B. Determining Need for Contract Work:

District administration will determine the need for contract work. All contract work must be approved by the appropriate District administrator. The District administrator may, if the administrator determines it appropriate, post for the contract work.

C. Eligibility for Contract Work:

Any individual is eligible to perform contract work for the District. The District has sole discretion in the determination regarding contract work. The District administrator or designee will select and notify any individual given contract work.

All persons working under a short-term contract are subject to a background check, and an adverse finding may disqualify the person from performing work pursuant to the contract.

D. Short-Term Contract and Rate of Pay:

Individuals performing contract work for the District may be characterized as either an employee, who would require a short-term contract, or an independent contract, who would not require a contract. (The responsible administrator should contact Human Resources to determine if the person performing the contract work should be characterized as an employee or as an independent contractor.)

If the individual is characterized as an employee, the employee performing the contract work will be provided a short-term contract for the desired period of time. The short-term contract will include a description of the assignment, employment qualifications, expectations for completion of the contract work, rates of pay for the contract work, dates of the contract work, and maximum number of hours that can be worked for the contract work.

Employees working pursuant to a short-term contract will be paid an hourly rate for the short-term contract, as determined by Human Resources and the hiring administrator or supervisor.

If the individual is characterized as an independent contract, the independent contractor performing the work will be paid pursuant to the agreement reached between the District and the employee and will be issued a 1099 for tax purposes.

4. Temporary, Short-Term Assignments

District administration will determine the need for utilizing current employees, former employees, or out-of-District personnel for temporary short-term assignments where payment does not exceed $500 for that assignment. As an example, temporary short-term assignments could include scorekeeper, referee, timekeeper and other building assignments.

Employees working in a temporary, short-term assignment will be provided a notice of temporary assignment. Employees working in a temporary, short-term assignment will be paid an hourly rate for the assignment, as determined by Human Resources and the hiring administrator or supervisor.

Employees assigned to a temporary, short-term assignment will work the days and times designated by the District administrator. The employee will submit the dates and hours they have worked pursuant to the temporary, short-term assignment by utilizing the E-time system, if possible, or a timesheet, for review/approval by the District administrator responsible for the temporary, short-term assignment.

  • Approved: 08-08-11
  • Reviewed: 05-13-13
  • Revised: 04-27-2020
  • Documents: 502.4

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