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Student Eligibility for District Transportation

Resident Students:

Middle school and elementary school students who live more than two miles from the school designated for their attendance will be entitled to school transportation. High school students who live more than three miles from the school designated for their attendance will be eligible for transportation. Distance from home to school shall be measured on the public highway only, over the route determined in accordance with Iowa and Federal laws to be the most passable and safest.

The District will furnish transportation, for a fee, to students who do not live the required distance from school when it is determined in accordance with Procedure 901a that transportation is justified. Free transportation may be provided for approved special programs.

Open Enrollment Students:

The parent/guardian shall be responsible for student transportation, without reimbursement, to and from the receiving school or to a point on the regular school bus route of the receiving district.

If the student meets the economic eligibility requirements established by the department and state board of education, the sending district is responsible for providing transportation or paying the pro rata cost of the transportation to a parent or guardian for transporting the student to and from a point on a regular school bus route of a contiguous receiving district unless the cost of providing transportation or the pro rata cost of the transportation to a parent or guardian exceeds the average transportation cost per student transported for the previous school year in the district. If the cost exceeds the average transportation cost per student transported for the previous school year, the sending district shall only be responsible for that average per student amount. A sending district which provides transportation for a student to a contiguous receiving district under this subsection may withhold, from the district cost per student amount that is to be paid to the receiving district, an amount which represents the average or pro rata cost per student for transportation, whichever is less.

Non-Public Students:

Non-public students residing within the Cedar Rapids Community School District will be provided transportation in accordance with Iowa and Federal laws. Families may choose to attend an alternate site; however, they must provide their own transportation and apply for reimbursement as provided in Iowa and Federal laws.

Code of Iowa:
Chapter 285
Chapter 282.18

Cross Reference:
Procedure 901a

  • Approved: 07-10-78
  • Revised: 06-08-81
  • Reviewed: 09-25-89
  • Revised: 10-09-89
  • Revised: 10-26-92
  • Reviewed: 06-09-97
  • Revised: 01-11-99
  • Reviewed: 09-08-03, 04-14-08
  • Revised: 02-24-14, 04-22-19
  • Documents: 901.1

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