The CRCSD boardroom was full of happy cheers and clapping on Monday night (August 12), as the Board voted unanimously on a 7-0 decision to build new schools at the sites of the existing Hoover and Van Buren Elementary schools. The new schools should open in fall 2027.

Before the vote, four staff members spoke to the Board about the problems in their current buildings. They said classes are too full, and some parts of the buildings aren’t safe. They asked the Board to help fix these issues.
Before the board’s decision, Board Director Kaitlyn Byers underscored the increasing enrollment data at the two sites, echoing the sentiments expressed by Director of Operations Chad Schumacher during the July 22, 2024, Board of Education meeting.

Board Director Marcy Roundtree was very happy. She voiced her support of “You guys rock!” to the staff members who shared their frustration and challenges. Board Director Nancy Humbles added, “It is time.” She reminded everyone that this follows a Board of Education plan from 2018 to make schools better.

Dr. Tawana Grover, Superintendent of CRCSD, said “This is about more than just new buildings. It’s about making sure students and staff have a good place to learn and work. She wants families to keep choosing Cedar Rapids schools.”
The room was full of school staff members, who came to show their support for new schools. The turnout showed how important this decision is to many people.

Now that the Board said yes, the school district can start the design process in planning the new buildings. Another big step forward for Cedar Rapids Community School District.

Everyone left the meeting feeling excited about the future of the new schools on the sites of Hoover and Van Buren Elementary schools. There will be more news about this big project as work begins.

The approval of new schools for Hoover and Van Buren sites is a significant step in fulfilling our district’s strategic plan. This decision supports multiple goals: it provides “Future Ready Facilities” with modern learning spaces, ensures “Safe & Secure Learning Environments” by addressing overcrowding, promotes “Equitable Student Outcomes” by offering better learning opportunities for all, demonstrates “Strong Family Engagement” through community excitement, and upholds “Transparent and Inclusive Communication” with open planning processes. Ultimately, this project advances our main goal: “Every Learner. Future Ready.” It’s a clear demonstration of Cedar Rapids Community School District’s commitment to providing all students with excellent places to learn and grow, setting them up for success in the future.

Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this exciting journey to build better schools for our community!