On January 13th, the Cedar Rapids Community School Board voted to approve the purchase of land intended for the construction of a future middle school to replace Harding Middle School. The proposed site is located off Highway 100 in northeast Cedar Rapids and will better serve the growing population in that part of the city.

The current Harding Middle School property has space limitations that prevent the construction of a new school. This new site will provide an opportunity for the district to construct a state-of-the-art middle school that aligns with modern educational needs and accommodates the city’s demographic growth. The purchase cost of the land is $7.5 million and will be funded using Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL) funds.

The development of the new school on this site will be contingent on the successful passage of a new bond initiative in 2025. The decision to secure a specific location comes after listening to community members, who expressed that one of the main reasons for not supporting the previous bond was the absence of an identified site for a new middle school.

“This land purchase marks a significant step forward for our community and the future of education in Cedar Rapids,” said Cindy Garlock, CRCSD School Board President. “Securing a site for a new middle school ensures we can provide our students with a learning environment that meets the needs of today and tomorrow. We are incredibly grateful to our community for sharing their insights and helping guide this process.”

The land, which is currently owned by the family of the late Dr. Joan Nickol-Tauke M.D, holds a significant connection to the history of Cedar Rapids. Dr. Nickol-Tauke, was a pioneering figure as the first female surgeon in Cedar Rapids and one of only three women to graduate in her class from the University of Iowa Medical School in 1958. Her legacy serves as a testament to the importance of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education and the empowerment of future generations to pursue paths in these fields.

“The acquisition of this land is more than just an investment in real estate; it’s an investment in our community’s future,” said Dr. Tawana Grover, Superintendent of CRCSD. “By building this new middle school, we aim to provide an environment that fosters innovation and opportunity, inspiring students to explore fields that continue the legacy of trailblazers like Dr. Nickol-Tauke. We extend heartfelt thanks to the CRCSD operations team, led by Chad Schumaker, for their diligent work in making this acquisition possible. Together, we’re building a foundation for future generations to thrive.”

A new middle would play a pivotal role in preparing students for the dynamic and evolving demands of the 21st-century workforce. The district is committed to creating future-ready facilities that provide students with the tools and spaces needed to ensure they are equipped with critical skills for future success. Our vision, “Every Learner. Future Ready,” reflects our commitment to making sure that every student is equipped, empowered, and engaged to excel.

The Cedar Rapids Community School District looks forward to taking this step in supporting educational growth and honoring the history of influential community members whose legacies inspire present and future learners.