Harding Middle School students and staff are excited to be back in the gym this week after the repairs to the dome were completed. This marks the completion of the repairs to all the domes at Harding and Taft. CRCSD would like to thank all of the students, staff, and families at both schools for their patience and understanding during the repairs.

You may recall that on October 11, 2023, CRCSD announced the closure of Taft’s east dome after an engineering inspection confirmed some of the wood support beams’ deterioration was unstable. Two weeks later, the district announced closing the second dome at Taft and both domes at Harding as a safety precaution.

The priority was to open the cafeteria and fine arts domes at each school first, which took place in January 2024.

The two middle schools were constructed in 1965 using the same design that features two domes.

You may still notice fences around the domes as construction crews put the finishing touches on the outside beams.