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Innovative Education
6Theme-based magnet schools
Preschool Learners in Action

Each class is led by a teacher licensed through the State of Iowa in Early Childhood Education, and each classroom is assisted by one or more paraprofessionals.

Our teachers use Creative Curriculum which is based on research in child development theory as the foundation of the teaching approach, the learning environment, and the roles of the teaching staff and family. This blueprint aids staff in planning and implementing a developmentally appropriate program that is effective in helping children acquire social competence and the skills they need to succeed as learners. The curriculum is guided by teachers’ ongoing assessment of children’s progress, and teaching staff work together to ensure the needs of each child is being met. Our philosophy is that children learn best by doing, which requires active thinking and experimenting to see how things work. Our goal is to help children become independent, self-confident learners.

This curriculum helps to identify goals these areas of development:

  • Social/Emotional – to make friends, feel comfortable and build trust, develop independence and self-confidence
  • Cognitive – to develop learning skills to problem solve, ask questions, and use words to help them describe what they are learning and feeling.
  • Physical – to develop small and large muscle skills.
  • Language & Literacy – to learn to communicate effectively and develop concepts children need to become compete and confident readers.
  • Mathematics – to learn basic principles and concepts in number, geometry and measurement.
  • The selection of toys, materials, lesson plans and the class daily schedule is designed to give your child a successful start to school.
  • We use Teaching Strategies GOLD assessment program that has been selected by the State of Iowa to assist in monitoring children’s progress. The information from the assessment is used to help plan the instruction.
  • Families will be responsible for transportation.
  • The State of Iowa has developed Early Learning Standards that provide the foundation for our program.
  • Our program meets IQPPS (Iowa Quality Preschool Program Standards) or NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) Standards.

Enroll in preschool

Preschool applications for the 2024-25 school year will be accepted starting February 1, 2024. Your student must be 3 or 4 by September 15, 2024, to enroll in preschool for the 2024-25 school year. The first day of preschool will be Tuesday, September 2, 2024. There will be a slight delay in placement notification due to pending state legislation. Notification of placement will be made in the first week of May. Families will receive a phone call or an email.

Contact us

If you would like to speak with someone about preschool, please call 319-558-2375 or email

Key contacts

Monica Frey


Annette Petersen

Early Learning