CRCSD Alert - No school for students on Friday, January 17th, and Monday, January 20th. Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 21st.
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Career Skills
70+Career and Technology Education Classes
College & Career Pathways

*Please note that this program is continuing to be developed, and it will evolve as we engage with our students, staff, families, and community. We will continue to provide updates as they become available.

Community Information Session Recap

Thank you to everyone who attended one of our College and Career Pathways Informational Meetings this week. Your participation and input are vital as we continue shaping this exciting new program.

For those who couldn’t attend, we’ve included links to the handouts shared during the meetings so that every family has the opportunity to learn about this innovative program, which will help prepare our students for their futures—whether in college, a career, or the military.

These informational meetings were to share our vision, provide preliminary information, and gather valuable feedback from our community. As we shared, this program is still evolving. We are actively collaborating with students, families, staff, and community partners to refine the structure, pathway offerings, logistics, and curriculum. Updates will be shared as progress is made.

We are thrilled about the opportunities this program will provide for our students and look forward to working together to support their success.

Your Future, Your Choice: Discover your path with CRCSD

Connecting college and career connected learning to a personal “WHY”. Create shared understanding around how we will achieve college and career success.

CRCSD’s vision is Every Learner. Future Ready. CRCSD’s mission is to ensure all learners experience a rigorous and personalized learning experience so they have a plan, a pathway, and a passion for their futures.

It all starts with our Portrait of a Future Ready Graduate.

Portrait of a Future Graduate graphic.

The Vision

The Why, Graduate College & Career Ready Students. CRCSD wants to ensure every student is equipped, empowered, and engaged to excel in life beyond high school.

The How, empower futures through real-world learning. Engaging students with career-focused education and hands-on experiences in smaller, themed learning communities, connecting school to future college and career goals.

The What, transferable skills & increased achievement. CRCSD students will graduate with more than a diploma. They will graduate with industry-recognized credentials, Advanced placement/college credit, work-based learning, and employability skills.

For Whom, Everyone. College & Career Pathways are intentionally designed to provide access for all students.

Impact Measures graphic

College and Career Pathways provide a structured approach to education that significantly enhances students’ academic achievement, boosts high school graduation rates, and prepares students more effectively for college, careers, and life.

Through targeted coursework and hands-on experiences, students gain industry certifications and college credits, helping them graduate with valuable, marketable skills.

This approach not only strengthens our community’s talent pipeline but also positions students for greater future earning potential, building a foundation for both personal success and a more prosperous community.

At its design core, the principles behind this design:

  • Relationships – Small Learning Communities
  • High Rigor – College preparatory curriculum with an industry-infused theme
  • High Relevance – Partnerships with employers, the community, and postsecondary institutions
  • High Reward – Graduating with a diploma and more

The Research Data

High School Model

In each of our High Schools there would be several academies that high school students can navigate.


Check out this CRCSD universal elements of College and Career Pathways.

Universal Elements of CCP

Freshman Academy – beginning Fall 2025

At each of our five high schools, 9th grade students would be part of freshman academies. CRCSD plans to roll these academies out in the Fall of 2025. Freshman students would still take their core classes creating the foundation of future learning. So what would a schedule look like for these students.

Freshman College and Career Pathway Schedule
Freshman year schedule

After Freshman Academy, Upper Academy Schedules

What would a “typical” schedule look like for students after their freshman year academy is complete. What would it look like for a sophomore, junior, or senior?

Sophomore College and Career Pathway Schedule
Sophomore year schedule
Junior College and Career Pathway Schedule
Junior year schedule
Senior College and Career Pathway Schedule
Senior year schedule

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are just some of the questions we have received about the College and Career Pathways. We have compiled a full list of frequently asked questions on a separate page. Click the button below to go to the full list.

Still have questions, please submit them

Our Engaged Community Partners

We are not going down this path alone. We have engaged with these community partners to provide opportunities for students. We look to grow this list as we provide meaningful growth areas for students. If you are interested in joining us, we would invite you to fill out this form.


Our Timeline & Next Steps (tentative)

January 2025

  • January 3: Staff Professional Learning
    • MS & MS CTE Teachers and HS representatives- Developing Course Sequence
    • MS & HS Counselors – Registration Timelines and Academies & Pathways
  • January 8: Parent Advisory Committee Meeting
  • January 20: Staff Professional Learning
    • Freshman Academies & CTE spaces meeting with Invision Architecture
  • January 22: Parent Advisory Committee Meeting
  • January 30: Community Information Meeting (details coming soon)

August 2025: Launch Freshman Academy
January 2026: Pathway Selection Process for Upper Schools & Academies
August 2026: Launch Upper Schools & Academies