Cedar Rapids Community School District citizens elect seven members to serve as their representatives on the Board of Education for the School District. In turn, the Board is responsible for the governance of public education in the School District. School Board members are an unpaid elected position.
Board members in Iowa are elected to four-year terms. Elections are held every other year on the second Tuesday in November, and new members are sworn in at the annual meeting. There are three at-large positions and four elected to represent geographical areas. However, all board members represent the entire school District when executing their responsibilities.
At the Annual Meeting, the Board elects a Board president and vice president from among its members. Election of Board leadership occurs annually.
The Board of Education is a policy-making and planning entity, and does not get involved with the day-to-day operations of the school system. The Board appoints a secretary and treasurer, and hires a chief executive – the Superintendent.
NOTE: Individuals who write or email the School Board should be aware that their correspondence may be subject to examination and copying by others pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 22 of the Code of Iowa.