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The Instructional Materials Reconsideration Committee addresses formal requests for reconsideration of library and instructional materials in the Cedar Rapids Community School District. The committee provides a context in which differences of opinion and possible selection errors may be examined openly.

The main task of the committee is to make a recommendation to the Superintendent when a citizen makes a written complaint against a library book, classroom material, or other instructional resource. District policy, regulations and procedures are considered when studying the challenged materials. In addition, CRCSD content experts may be consulted, as needed.

The committee forwards their decision to the Superintendent who, in turn, makes the final decision. Complaints are considered and acted upon within thirty school days of receipt. The committee typically meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 4:15 p.m. at the ELSC, only if there are items to discuss. All meetings are open to the public.

The Instructional Materials Reconsideration Committee is composed each year by September 30 and shall function through June 30 of the following year. The committee will consist of:

  • One teacher leader designated by the CRCSD Office of Teaching & Learning
  • One teacher leader responsible for District Libraries and/or teacher leader in content lead role
  • At least two parents or community members
  • CRCSD Curriculum Coordinators of Office of Teaching & Learning
  • The Chair of the Committee is the CRCSD Leader Teacher Librarian.

Meeting agendas and minutes are available here. You will need to filter for Instructional Materials Reconsideration Committee

Committee members

Michelle Kruse

Chair, District Representative

2024-2025 School Year Committee Members

Michelle Kruse
Chair/District Representative

Nicole Brown
Executive Director of Curriculum

Kristin Becker
Curriculum Lead

Jessica Dirks
Curriculum Lead


Jessica Camacho
Carrie Campbell
John Osako
