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2nd Largest in Iowa
15,000+Students enrolled

Regular meetings of the Board of Education are generally held on the second Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m., unless otherwise scheduled by action of the Board of Education. Work Session meetings of the Board of Education are generally held at 5:30 p.m. on the fourth Monday of the month, unless otherwise scheduled. These meetings are always open to the public. The meetings will be held at the Educational Leadership & Support Center, Boardroom, which is located at 2500 Edgewood Road. Board appointed committee meetings are scheduled as needed. 

As of March 2024 – The Board of Education Meetings, agendas and minutes have been moved to this simbli hub. 

Old Board Agendas and minutes are below.

Board and Board Appointed Committee Meetings


Scheduled meetings

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Previous recorded Board meetings are available on CRCSD’s YouTube channel.

Community participation

The Board of Education encourages, appreciates, and welcomes input from the community. If you wish to address the School Board, you may be given an opportunity to do so during scheduled “Public Hearings” and/or “Communications, Delegations, & Petitions”.
The procedure for addressing the Board is as follows:

  • Complete a “Request to Address the Board” form (located on the information table at the Board meeting) and hand it to the Board Secretary prior to the meeting. Most meetings begin at 5:30 p.m.
  • Limit your remarks to five minutes or less, unless otherwise prescribed by the Board President.
  • When your name is called by the Board President/Board Secretary, please step to the podium, and clearly state your name, address and the organization if you represent (if any) for the record.
  • If you choose not to speak when called, your time may not be yielded to another speaker.
  • Refrain from making personal verbal attacks on members of the Board or other citizens, as well as using vulgar language during remarks.  
  • We ask that the audience and speakers refrain from outbursts as a matter of respect for all in attendance. The Board has zero tolerance for profanity, vulgarity, demeaning language, or threats of any kind.
  • Confidential student or staff information will not be shared in a public meeting. Speakers will be asked to refrain from using personal names and information during public comment.
  • If disruptive, the individual making comments or other individuals causing disruption may be asked to leave the Board meeting.  Any defamatory comments made during public comment are the sole responsibility of the individual making those comments and could subject the individual to legal action.
  • Information brought forth will receive consideration during any relevant future decision-making process involving the subject matter of the presentation.
  • In order to abide by the Open Meetings Law, there will be no dialogue between School Board members and the public at Board Meetings except to clarify the nature of questions or comments.
  • Once you have completed your remarks, you are welcome to leave the meeting.
  • Community members are welcome to submit their written comments to the School Board @

The President shall be responsible for the orderly conduct of the meeting, including termination of presentations that are inappropriate, discourteous, or too lengthy.  If there are several speakers on the same topic, the President may limit the number of presenters, the length of time devoted to the topic, and/or the length of time per speaker.   The Board President has the authority to declare a recess at any time.

Please remember, while this is a meeting held in the public, it is not a public meeting. Questions addressed to the School Board will be referred to the appropriate District personnel and will receive a reply at a later time.

Persons attending the Board meetings are requested to practice good conduct. All persons will be treated with respect and disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.  Visitors conducting themselves in disorderly manner may be barred from further participation in the meeting and removed from the premise by a peace officer.

Key contact

Kami Steichen

Board Secretary