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To submit a public records request, provide the following information via email to

  • First and last name
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Mailing address
  • Formal open records request details

Requests for public records may require legal review of the requested records to ensure confidential information, including but not limited to personally identifying information about any student or employee, is not disclosed. This review is necessary to ensure compliance with federal and state law. Reasonable legal fees incurred by the District to respond to open record requests are not to be paid out of taxpayer funds. The District will require the individual requester or for-profit entity requesting the records to pay the actual cost of the review. Note: For-profit entities include the media.

If there are other expenses associated with fulfilling a request for records, such as copying costs and time spent compiling the requested records, the requesting party may be required to pay the actual cost of fulfilling the request. The District may, in its sole discretion, waive this fee for non-profit organizations and/or for requests that require a minimal amount of time/cost to fulfill.

If the District assesses a cost to the requester, the requester must pay the estimated cost in full in advance of the District fulfilling the request.

Please note that this is not the process for requesting a transcript or school records. Contact your school to begin that process.

Community Relations Department