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High Reliability Schools graphic

A high reliability school, by definition, monitors the effectiveness of critical factors within the system and immediately takes action to contain the negative effect of any errors that occur.

A Handbook for High Reliability Schools

Cedar Rapids Community School District implements Dr. Robert Marzano, et al.’s research of High Reliability Schools as a district and school improvement framework. The framework consists of five levels of operation:

  1. Level 1—Safe and Collaborative Culture
    1. We aim to “not leave the culture up to chance or happenstance. Rather, leaders in an HRS strive to ensure the organization fosters shared beliefs, behaviors, and norm to at least three areas: (1) safety, (2) support, and (3) collaboration,” (Marzano, Leading a High Reliability School)
  2. Level 2—Effective Teaching in Every Classroom
    1. We aspire to “guarantee that quality teaching occurs in every classroom” by “developing and maintaining effective instruction in every classroom.” (Marzano, A Handbook for High Reliability Schools: The Next Steps to School Reform)
  3. Level 3—Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum
    1. We ensure that a guaranteed (what is taught) and viable (timeline for teaching) curriculum is focused on enhancing student learning, meaning “no matter who teaches a specific course or specific content at a certain grade level in a school, students should have the same opportunity to learn the same content.” (Marzano, Leading a High Reliability School)
  4. Level 4—Standards-Based Learning
    1. We are creating a “reporting system [that] identifies specific subject and grade-level topics as well as each student’s status on those topics” (Marzano, A Handbook for High Reliability Schools: The Next Steps to School Reform), meaning we communicate clearly what a student knows, understands, and is able to do in relation to the critical content of the course or class.
  5. Level 5—Competency-Based Education
    1. In the future, we hope to “address the extent to which a school matriculates students based on their demonstrated competence rather than the amount of time they have spent learning.” (Marzano, A Handbook for High Reliability Schools: The Next Steps to School Reform)

Currently, CRCSD is focusing on Levels 1-3 as a school improvement framework. We our proud of all our schools and their implementation, especially those who are certified in various levels.

Spring 2021 certifications

SchoolCertification LevelAdministrator at Time of Certification
Grant Elementary SchoolLevel 1Monica Frey
Jackson Elementary SchoolLevel 2Nick Duffy
Harrison Elementary SchoolLevel 2Trista Manternach

Spring 2020 certifications

SchoolCertification LevelAdministrator at Time of Certification
Viola Gibson Elementary SchoolLevel 1Denise Pape
Franklin Middle SchoolLevel 1Lucas Ptacek
Cedar River AcademyLevel 1 Andrea Scott
Erskine Elementary School Level 1Annette Zimmermann
Coolidge Elementary SchoolLevel 2Greg O’Connell
Arthur Elementary SchoolLevel 1Jennifer Nurre
Johnson STEAM AcademyLevel 1Candace Lynch
Grant Wood Elementary SchoolLevel 1Cindy Stock
Truman Elementary SchoolLevel 2Tammi Kuba
Hoover Community SchoolLevel 1Clint Stone
Garfield Elementary SchoolLevel 2Joy Long
Van Buren Elementary SchoolLevel 2Amy Evans
McKinley STEAM AcademyLevel 1Jason Martinez

Fall 2019 certifications

SchoolCertification LevelAdministrator at Time of Certification
Nixon Elementary SchoolLevel 1Jennifer Goebel
Harrison Elementary School Level 1 Trista Manternach
Taft Middle School Level 1 Gary Hatfield
Pierce Elementary School Level 1 Kathleen Ziegler

Spring 2019 certifications

SchoolCertification LevelAdministrator at Time of Certification
Hiawatha Elementary SchoolLevel 1Stephen Probert
Madison Elementary SchoolLevel 1Jim Girdner
Van Buren Elementary School Level 1 Kent Ryan
Garfield Elementary School Level 1 Joy Long
Coolidge Elementary School Level 1 Greg O’Connell
Truman Elementary School Level 1 Tammi Kuba
Harding Middle School Level 1 Linda Reysack
Kenwood Leadership Academy Level 1 David Brandon
Jackson Elementary School Level 1 Nick Duffy

Future Moodle certifications

SchoolCertification LevelAdministrator at Time of Certification
Cleveland Elementary SchoolLevel 1Condra Allen
Wright Elementary SchoolLevel 1Brian Krob
Kenwood Leadership AcademyLevel 2David Brandon
Pierce Elementary SchoolLevel 2Kathleen Ziegler
Viola Gibson Elementary SchoolLevel 2Denise Pape
Harrison Elementary SchoolLevel 3Trista Manternach
Truman Elementary SchoolLevel 3Tammi Kuba
McKinley STEAM AcademyLevel 2Jason Martinez