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Emergency All-District Closing – Employee Notification and Attendance

The entire District may be closed due to weather or other unforeseen event.

In the event that the entire District is to be closed, notification will be given to employees via local media and District communications. When a civil or natural catastrophe occurs which renders normal communication channels inoperable, instructions will be transmitted through the Emergency Broadcasting System.

When the Superintendent declares the entire Cedar Rapids Community School District is closed to students and staff because of significant emergency conditions (i.e. natural disaster, extreme weather emergency, etc.), staff will be notified and the following guidelines for attendance and compensation will be used:

Except for essential employees (as defined below) District personnel should not report to work in the event of an All-District Emergency Closure. No leave time will be required.

Essential employees shall be designated by their supervising Administrator. If deemed essential, the employee is expected to report to work. Essential employees may include:

  • Building Engineers and Custodians
  • Maintenance Mechanics
  • Mechanics – Auto
  • Selected Crafts and Trades
  • Custodial/Building and Grounds secretarial support
  • Day Care hourly staff
  • One pre-identified staff member at each attendance center for a two-hour period corresponding with the normal start for the building
  • Any other staff member deemed essential by the Superintendent/designee

Essential employees will be compensated at time and one-half of the base-hourly-rate for their workday, provided the following criteria are fulfilled:

  1. Essential employees report to work as close as possible to their required start time of day, taking into consideration the prevailing emergency conditions.
  2. Essential employees work their full day, as defined by contractual requirements.

Existing work rules, including use of leave, will serve as a guide for essential employees who are unable to report to work or have reported to work but are unable to complete their full shift due to prevailing emergency conditions. Essential employees who do not report to work or do not complete their full shift will be required to use leave time.

  • Approved: 01-23-78
  • Revised: 12-10-79, 11-23-87
  • Reviewed: 10-23-89
  • Revised: 11-13-89
  • Revised: 09-12-05, 12-14-09, 12-14-09, 04-12-10, 04-27-15, 01-27-2020
  • Documents: 506.2

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