Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides quality CTE programming aligned with workforce needs, developed in partnership with local companies. It engages students in the application of other academic content to help prepare them for the future. CTE includes programs and pathways that are designed to introduce and prepare students for high-wage, high-skill, high-demand careers.
The courses and pathways provide students with the academic and technical skills, knowledge, and training necessary to succeed in future careers, and are aligned to industry standards and needs within our community. CTE courses also assist students with developing skills in communication, critical thinking, leadership and citizenship.
What does CRCSD offer?
Applied science, technology, engineering, and manufacturing
- Construction
- Engineering
- Manufacturing
- Woodworking
- Transportation
Arts, communication, and information systems
- Information technology
Business, finance, marketing, and management
- Business, management, and administration
- Finance
- Marketing
Health science
- Health science (through Linn County Regional Center only)
Human services
- Culinary
- Education
- Fashion design
- Interior design
Local resources
Earn college credit while in high school
Workplace Learning Connection