The Infinite Campus portal provides students and parents with real-time access to assignments, grades, schedule, announcements, attendance, and more.
Infinite Campus accounts for students are automatically created when a student is enrolled. Parents/guardians must obtain their own login—it is important that they do not use their student’s login to access Infinite Campus.
Are you new to Cedar Rapids Community School District or unsure if you have an Infinite Campus account? Please contact your student’s school for assistance.
How to View Elementary Report Cards From the Parent Portal (English) (French) (Spanish) (Swahili)
Click on the video below for instructions on how to view student report cards.
Infinite Campus frequently asked questions
How do I create an Infinite Campus account?
Parents/guardians who are new to CRCSD will receive an Infinite Campus account after completing registration for their student. Parents of current CRCSD students who do not have an Infinite Campus account should contact their student’s school to set up an account.
How do I reset my Infinite Campus password?
1. If you have forgotten your password, under the login box, you can click on the blue link titled “Forgot your password?”
2. Once you click on the link, you will be prompted to enter your username and click continue.
3. Once you click continue, you will receive an email with a link to reset your password. Click on the blue link found in the email.
4. You will be prompted to enter a new password, and then be directed to the portal. Your password will need to reach 100% on the Password Strength bar.
5. You will also receive an email confirmation after the password has been reset.
6. If you do NOT receive an email to reset your password, you will need to contact your student’s school.
What information is available in Infinite Campus?
Parents/guardians can view the following information in their portal:
-CRCSD and school announcements
-Report cards
-Attendance records
-Assessment scores
-Student schedules
-Transportation information
-Lunch account balance
-Online course request for secondary school students
-Immunization records on file
-Teacher newsletters
-Household information
-Emergency contacts
Students can view their own information in their portal.
Please note that the information available to parents and students may vary across elementary, middle, and high school levels.
How do I update information in Infinite Campus?
Parents/guardians can update their information every year from July 1 to September 30 during annual verification. If information needs to be updated after October 1, parents/guardians can update contact information and addresses in the parent portal. Parents/guardians can also contact their student’s school to make changes.
To update information on or after October 1, please follow these procedures:
-Address change: The address change form is in your parent portal or you can contact your student’s school.
-Phone number and email address change: This contact information can be updated directly in your Infinite Campus account
-Change related to custody situation: Please contact your student’s school
-Any other changes: Please contact your student’s school or email registration@crschools.us
Who has access to Infinite Campus student and parent portals?
Students have access to their student portals, and their login information is available at the school they attend.
A parent/guardian who is designated as having legal rights to their children may request an Infinite Campus parent portal account. Each parent/guardian will have their own unique account that can be used to gain access to student records that they have legal rights to.
As a parent/guardian, do I need my own account or can I use my student’s account?
All parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to set up their own Infinite Campus account. Parent/guardian-level accounts have the ability to update household information and view all students in a household from one place, as well as receive CRCSD and school announcements. Student-level accounts do not have these capabilities.
Is there an Infinite Campus app for my smart phone?
Yes, the Infinite Campus app is available for download on your Apple or Android device. Search Google Play or the App Store to find the app.
Is my information secure when I view it in Infinite Campus?
Infinite Campus uses SSL (secure socket layer) encryption technology to ensure data is protected, which is similar to what the banking industry utilizes.
How do I log in to the Infinite Campus parent portal?
To learn how to log in to Infinite Campus, watch the video below.
Watch video
How do I modify Infinite Campus notifications settings?
To learn how to modify Infinite Campus notifications settings, watch the video below. Additional videos in Spanish and Swahili are in the resources at the bottom of the page.
Watch video
How to view student assignments, grades, and attendance in Infinite Campus?
To learn how to modify Infinite Campus notifications settings, watch the video below.
Watch video
How do I log in to the Infinite Campus student portal?
To learn how to log in to the student portal, watch the video below. Additional videos in Spanish and Swahili are in the resources at the bottom of the page.
Watch video
How do I add a cell phone number to contact preferences?
To learn how to add a cell phone number to contact preferences, watch the video below. Additional videos in Spanish and Swahili are in the resources at the bottom of the page.
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