Cedar Rapids Community School District has invested in a parent app that families can use to view their student’s bus route information, Stopfinder. This tool helps students and families track their school bus’ location in real-time.
When you are signed up for a bus route, you will receive an automatically-generated email to activate your Stopfinder account. The email expires within seven days. If your email expired or if you didn’t receive an email, please contact your school. The email will be sent to your designated primary email address in Infinite Campus. Due to privacy concerns, families must contact their school to request a StopFinder account.
Additionally, families have access to their student’s bus route information under the transportation tab in Infinite Campus.
The Stopfinder app provides student route numbers, pick-up times and locations, and drop-off times and locations, and real-time bus location tracking. Families can also directly share route information with caregivers through the app.
If you are having issues with accessing the Stopfinder app, contact your school for assistance.